15 Challenges and opportunities for recommender systems in media markets
Ranaivoson, H., Smets, A. & Ballon, P. (2024). 15 Challenges and opportunities for recommender systems in media markets. In U. Rohn, M. Rimscha & T. Raats (Ed.), De Gruyter Handbook of Media Economics (pp. 215-228). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter. https://doi.org/10.1515/9783110793444-015
Recommender systems have become omnipresent in media markets, fromproduction to distribution and consumption. What is often overlooked, however, isthat the multi-sided nature of contemporary media markets implies that recom-mender systems need to balance the needs and requirements of actors on differentsides of these markets, such as content providers and end-users. Starting from an overview of the rapidly growing literature on recommender systems in media mar-kets, and emphasizing their multi-sided nature, we first describe the main typologies of recommender systems and analyze how various stakeholders might adopt particular strategies to have these systems create novel market opportunities. Then, we discuss media market dilemmas that result from these stakeholders’ often competing objectives in terms of biases, notably filter bubbles, management dilemmas, and is-sues around privacy and transparency. We argue how revisiting these concerns from a multi-stakeholder perspective opens up new angles to understand recommender systems’ impact on contemporary media markets.
Recommender Systems